The famed, the glorious, the classic. Get em while they last! —— 9/7/18 #milkfarmlunch VEGGIE MELT: oven roasted eggplant, portobello mushrooms, & tomatoes, smoked mozzarella, fontina, fresh basil, olive tapenade, greens, & garlic aioli on ciabatta • MUFFALETTA: muffaletta mix (Louisiana olive salad), mortadella, fresh mozzarella, fresh herbs, & garlic aioli on focaccia • TRUFFLE SALAMI: mixed salami, truffle cheese, truffle butter, greens, & extra virgin olive oil on baguette • FRENCH HAM: fromage de meaux, garlic herb butter, & cracked pepper on baguette • PORK MELT: sundried tomato fennel relish, smoked mozzarella, fontina, greens, & garlic aioli on ciabatta • GRILLED CHEESE Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)