Who needs a pumpkin when you can carve a wheel of cheese? ? This little guy is La Retorta from @fincapascualete, a Spanish raw sheep’s milk cheese made with thistle. You’re meant to cut the top off and scoop out the rich, fatty, herbaceous cheese with a spoon (or with little crackers!). — 10/14/2022 #milkfarmlunch 1) HBB: French ham, fromage de meaux, cracked black pepper, & herbed butter on baguette 2) PROSCIUTTO: Fontina Val d’Aosta cheese, sundried tomatoes, EVOO, greens, & marcona almond basil pesto on baguette 3) MUFFALETTA: garlic aioli, Salami Rosa, Louisiana chopped olive salad, greens, fresh mozzarella, fresh herbs, & EVOO on focaccia 4) MILKFARM GRILLED CHEESE 5)
Good morning! Due to unfortunate events, we will NOT be receiving any baguettes today and will therefore have NO baguette sandwiches available. But we have our delicious Grilled Cheese, we have LOADS of sourdough loaves, and (most importantly), we’ve got lots of CHEESE! Come on by on this gloomy Thursday for lots of tasty goodies! — 10/13/2022 #milkfarmlunch 1) MILKFARM GRILLED CHEESE!!! 2)
Wine Wednesdays with Sam! Episode 40: Domaine Giacometti “Sempre Cuntentu” https://video-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.33967-16/10000000_185472803967306_8500121967894342956_n.mp4?_nc_cat=101&vs=498984518783548_3467677585&_nc_vs=HBksFQAYJEdJQ1dtQUJLa1pqQXI2Z0FBQ3d0MXV2a2YtWjFicV9FQUFBRhUAAsgBABUAGCRHRldaamhKNTFDaHNXTE1GQUtYTWlFREVMd1lBYnFfRUFBQUYVAgLIAQAoABgAGwGIB3VzZV9vaWwBMRUAACai7MeFuYrnPxUCKAJDMywXQEki8an7520YEmRhc2hfYmFzZWxpbmVfMV92MREAdQAA&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=59939d&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjcyMC5jbGlwcyJ9&_nc_ohc=z03fsA4Wf1QAX-Vntfq&_nc_ht=video-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT-DvVA7Z9Emjkvybgs_DZEKL6Ioa2RPTYv_Iigz-H230g&oe=6347F8D8&_nc_rid=82b77fdfa3
‘Tis the season for ooey gooey, rich, decadent truffle cheeses! Crémeux de Bourgogne is a luscious triple-creme with a delicate line of black truffle running through the center. Serve with a cold glass of Champagne for a special occasion (or just on an ordinary day – who needs a reason to live luxuriously???) — 10/12/2022 #milkfarmlunch 1) TRUFFLE SALAMI: Spanish truffle cheese, wine-cured salami, greens, EVOO, & truffle butter on baguette 2) CHORIZO PAMPLEPPADEW: fried tomato sauce, greens, Campo de Montalban, Dijon, fresh cilantro, sweet/hot peppadew peppers, & herbed butter on baguette 3) MILKFARM GRILLED CHEESE 4)
Everyone’s favorite flower-covered cheese is back! ALP BLOSSOM! Just as lovely to look at as it is to eat… — 10/11/2022 #milkfarmlunch 1) HBB: French ham, fromage de meaux, cracked black pepper, & herbed butter on baguette 2) SALAMI ITALIANO: wine-cured salami, Fontina Val d’Aosta, EVOO, fresh greens, sundried tomatoes, & marcona almond basil pesto on baguette 3) MILKFARM GRILLED CHEESE 4)
Our friends at @clarkstreetbread are making all sorts of delicious goodies these days, including this Raspberry Jam! Containing only a few simple ingredients, this jam is lightly sweet and oh-so-juicy. Perfect for a @bubandgrandmasbread baguette and a thick pat of Beurre de Baratte ??? — 10/10/2022 #milkfarmlunch 1) HBB: French ham, fromage de meaux, cracked black pepper, & herbed butter on baguette 2) CHORIZO PAMPLEPPADEW: fried tomato sauce, Campo de Montalban cheese, fresh cilantro, Dijon, greens, sweet/hot peppadew peppers, & herbed butter on baguette 3) MILKFARM GRILLED CHEESE 4)
We worked with the super talented team @boredmonkeyshow to create a dreamy claymation clip for Milkfarm. This clip is to showcase and promote a fun event that we love to host called “The Parmigiano Reggiano Cracking Party.” We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. #cheeseforlife https://video-hou1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.33967-16/310824674_363839245885973_5028670094735631527_n.mp4?_nc_cat=106&vs=1074253103289606_2897762790&_nc_vs=HBksFQAYJEdPTE9oaElWb2dIdDZFb0JBS2ZrV09IT2JNbEZicV9FQUFBRhUAAsgBABUAGCRHSHZnaUJJbkcwcGhxSmtBQUJLMXVZTmtfVjU2YnFfRUFBQUYVAgLIAQAoABgAGwGIB3VzZV9vaWwBMRUAACbK7t25tvnsPxUCKAJDMywXQDC3S8an754YEmRhc2hfYmFzZWxpbmVfMV92MREAdQAA&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=59939d&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjcyMC5jbGlwcyJ9&_nc_ohc=cxGLuehZamwAX86XCJw&_nc_ht=video-hou1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT-xa-CTep8jr0Eb-zQG1ojOImBjW4VGvOn_9Upigm7VOw&oe=6343BDBD&_nc_rid=2628d7e878
It’s always Parmigiano Reggiano season in our world, but this cheese is extra useful during the fall and winter months. Making pasta? Top it with Parm! Stewing up some cheesy polenta? Parm should be the star! Got a pot of soup bubbling on the stove? Toss a Parm rind in for extra flavor! Need a snack? You guessed it – eat a hunk of crunchy Parm! — 10/09/2022 #milkfarmlunch 1) PROSCIUTTO: Fontina Val d’Aosta, EVOO, sundried tomatoes, greens, & marcona almond basil pesto on baguette 2) HBB: French ham, fromage de meaux, cracked black pepper, & herbed butter on baguette 3) MUFFALETTA: garlic aioli, Genoa salami, fresh herbs, Louisiana chopped olive salad, greens, fresh mozzarella, & EVOO on focaccia 4) MILKFARM GRILLED CHEESE 5)
Fleur du Maquis is a sheep’s milk cheese from Corsica that’s been coated in Herbes de Provence. This fluffy, bright cheese is light enough to serve with a crisp white wine, but flavorful enough to be served with a hearty pork chop. We loooooove this cheese & we’re always thrilled to see it in the case! — 10/08/2022 #milkfarmlunch 1) THE CLAUDINE: fresh cucumber, wine-cured salami, Bergenuss cheese, cracked black pepper, & herbed butter on baguette 2) HBB: French ham, fromage de meaux, cracked black pepper, & herbed butter on baguette 3) PROSCIUTTO: marcona almond basil pesto, Fontina Val d’Aosta, EVOO, greens, & sundried tomatoes on baguette 4) MUFFALETTA: garlic aioli, Salami Rosa, fresh herbs, Louisiana chopped olive salad, greens, fresh mozzarella, & EVOO on focaccia 5) MILKFARM GRILLED CHEESE 6)
We’ve got some new faces here in the shop, and one of them is Davey! She’s been with us for about a month now and she is gobbling up cheese and information like it’s going out of style. Here, Davey holds an old Milkfarm favorite called OG Kristal, a Belgian cow’s milk Gouda that’s chock-full of crystally crunchies! Come by, snag a slice of cheese, and give a big WELCOME TO DAVEY! — 10/07/2022 #milkfarmlunch 1) HBB: French ham, fromage de meaux, cracked black pepper, & herbed butter on baguette 2) CHORIZO PAMPLEPPADEW: fried tomato sauce, Campo de Montalban cheese, fresh cilantro, Dijon, greens, sweet/hot peppadew peppers, & herbed butter on baguette 3) MUFFALETTA: garlic aioli, Salami Rosa, fresh herbs, Louisiana chopped olive salad, fresh mozzarella, greens, & EVOO on focaccia 4) MILKFARM GRILLED CHEESE 5)