Sternschneuppe, which means “falling star” in German, is a raw cow’s milk alpine cheese made by Evelyn Wilde. Full of meaty, umami flavor, and a tinge of maple sweetness, Sternschneuppe will have you wishing you’d bought more! —— 12/5/18 #milkfarmlunch SERRANO: jamon serrano, roasted apples, marcona almonds, beurremont butter, and idiazibal cheese • SQUASH: roasted kabocha, toasted hazelnuts, garlicky sautéed kale, double cream brie, and herb butter toasted on baguette • ROAST BEEF: roast beef, aioli, onion jam, braised garlic kale, blue cheese, and garlic aioli on ciabatta • GRILLED CHEESE • COOKIES