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← Figaro by Soyoung Scanlan of Andante Dairy. A thing of beauty. Cow and Goat milk cheese wrapped in a fig leaf with wine. #California #koreansister #cheeselove
8/24/16: #milkfarmlunch MUSHROOM MELT: herbs, black garlic aioli, holey cow, & smoked mozzarella on multigrain • ROAST BEEF: mushrooms, herbs, black garlic aioli, holey cow & smoked mozzarella on multigrain • CHORIZO: manchego, oven roasted tomatoes, herb mix, & EVOO, toasted on ficelle • TURKEY: aioli, butterleaf, arugula, banh mi pickles, cilantro herb mix, & pantaleo on ciabatta • MILKFARM GRILLED CHEESE • MAC & CHEESE #lunchisserved #iwishthatihadjessescheese #hollaatyacheesemongers →