#milkfarmlunch 8/15 Simple sandwiches for a casual Friday. 1-roast turkey, charred eggplant, aioli, boucherondin, on potato rosemary 2- spiced pork loin, pickled summer squash, holy cow, pimenton aioli on ciabatta 3-crispy jamon Serrano, slow roasted tomatoes, bocconcini on ficelle 4- Milkfarm Grilled cheese Side: Mac ‘n’cheese, Chickpea salad with peas shoots, ricotta, roasted tomatoes. See you soon.

#milkfarmlunch 8/15 Simple sandwiches for a casual Friday. 1-roast turkey, charred eggplant, aioli, boucherondin, on potato rosemary 2- spiced pork loin, pickled summer squash, holy cow, pimenton aioli on ciabatta 3-crispy jamon Serrano, slow roasted tomatoes, bocconcini on ficelle 4- Milkfarm Grilled cheese Side: Mac 'n'cheese, Chickpea salad with peas shoots, ricotta, roasted tomatoes. See you soon.