CHEESE is the name of our game! Our tags have the name, where the cheese is from, type of milk, denotes if it is raw or pasteurized, has a green sticker if it is vegetarian rennet, and includes a fun description. Have one of us help you, or enjoy learning on your own. 5/9 #milkfarmlunch 1) CHORIZO: fried tomato sauce, Cabra al Romero, cilantro, greens, Mama Lil’s pickled pellets, herbed butter, & oven roasted tomatoes on baguette 2) AVOCADO: roasted shallots & asparagus, fried bread cheese, lemon artichoke tapenade, EVOO, spinach, and herbs on baguette 3)FRECH HAM: brie, butter, herbs, cracked pepper 4) ROAST BEEF DIP: horseradish aioli, Dijon, Maytag blue cheese, greens, picked red onions, & parsley on ciabatta *served hot with jus!* 5) MILKFARM GRILLED CHEESE 6) COOKIES