7/20 #milkfarmlunch 1)wine cured and calabrese soppressata salami, fontina, muffaletta, black pepper aioli, frisée on ciabatta 2)turkey melt with smoked mozzarella, sundried tomato fennel relish, roasted shallot aioli on potato Rosemary bread 3)French ham, peach shallot chutney, house fresh Chévre on ficelle 4)house roasted rare beef, black pepper aioli, hooks 2 year cheddar, pickled squash, butter lettuce on ficelle 5)Milkfarm grilled cheese 6)Mac and cheese. Cookies. Kougin amann. Ice cream sandwiches and Bulgarini gelato! #milkfarmla #monday

7/20 #milkfarmlunch 1)wine cured and calabrese soppressata salami, fontina, muffaletta, black pepper aioli, frisée on ciabatta 2)turkey melt with smoked mozzarella, sundried tomato fennel relish, roasted shallot aioli on potato Rosemary bread 3)French ham, peach shallot chutney, house fresh Chévre on ficelle  4)house roasted rare beef, black pepper aioli, hooks 2 year cheddar, pickled squash, butter lettuce on ficelle 5)Milkfarm grilled cheese 6)Mac and cheese. Cookies. Kougin amann. Ice cream sandwiches and Bulgarini gelato! #milkfarmla #monday