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← 5/3/15 #milkfarmlunch 1)pork loin press, pickled mustard seed, Comte and green tomato jam 2)turkey, chorizo soria, oven roasted tomato, glazed cipollinis, saffron aioli, idiazabal on potato Rosemary 3)wine cured salami, ramp top pesto, elderflower time, butter and shaved golden beets on ficelle4)Sunday brunch ficelle 5)grilled cheese SIDE: Herbed chickpeas, carrots, celeriac, pickled mustard seeds, lemon vinaigrette SIDE: *drool* potato and golden beet gratin, Comte, chard, bread cheese, served with frisée, pea tendril, herb salad. 6)ham n cheese croissant 7)mac n cheese 8)kouign amann 9) cookies 10)espresso brownies #milkfarmla #eaglerock #lunch #sunday
Mooooooooooo #cheese #packed #milkfarmla →