Melinda Mae is a pudgy pasted girl with a bloomy rind. She tastes like “cultured cremini cream caught between a cumulus cloud of mystical mycelium.” – @mysticcheeseco On secrect side note, I’m in the office posting about this cheese, and the team is talking about what a cute butt tattoo this paper would make. Who’s in ???????????????? . . 9/15 #milkfarmlunch 1)CHORIZO PAMPLONA: spanish cheese, fried tomato sauce, pickled peppers, cilantro, greens, herbed butter on baguette 2)THE HBB 3)GRILLED CHEESE. COOKIES

Melinda Mae is a pudgy pasted girl with a bloomy rind. She tastes like "cultured cremini cream caught between a cumulus cloud of mystical mycelium." - @mysticcheeseco 

On secrect side note, I'm in the office posting about this cheese, and the team is talking about what a cute butt tattoo this paper would make. 
Who's in ????????????????????
9/15 1)CHORIZO PAMPLONA: spanish cheese, fried tomato sauce, pickled peppers, cilantro, greens, herbed butter on baguette 2)THE HBB 3)GRILLED CHEESE. ??? COOKIES